
Looking for the answers? "College Market Game" players find them here.

Here are some links to useful information about the college market. If you look hard enough you may even be able to find the answer to our September Outlook game!
Where college students hang online

A Look at the Spending Habits of College Students>>Link


Steven Yavorsky wins Howell's "In A Flash" Contest

Steven Yavorsky, of James City County Economic Development, was the winner of Howell Creative Group's "In a Flash" contest in Howell's June 2009 ad for the Greater Williamsburg Chamber & Tourism Alliance's Outlook newsletter.
Pictured with Steve (center) are Howell staff members, from left, Christy Keeler, Allen Miller, Tiffany Francis, Kathy Howell, Brittany Mangold and Pat Murphy.

Carla Morin Wins Howell's 'Cool Business' Contest

Carla Morin, of First Market Bank, was the winner of Howell Creative Group's "Cool Business" contest in Howell's July 2009 ad for the Greater Williamsburg Chamber & Tourism Alliance's Outlook newsletter.
Pictured with Carla (second from left) are Allen Miller and Tiffany Francis of the Howell Creative Group and Ray Markel, Perry Wright and Sharon Scruggs of Retro's Good Eats.